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Resetting variables to their original values

Adding the ability to reset variables easily is definitely something that could improve the user experience for many of our users.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Pass "input" lists to botflows instead of just input variables from Automation Cloud

If I want to pass a collection of data to a botflow, it is difficult to do so. You almost need to pass in comma delimited strings and do parsing inside the botflow itself. There should be some sort of "input list" similar to an "input variable". T...
Guest about 1 year ago in  0

Disallow Saving Botflows to RPA Central Once Contractual Max Hit

If 20 Botflows are contractually allowed to be saved to RPA Central, it would be extremely helpful if an error message appeared when trying to save Botflow number 21 that stated no more are allowed and disallow the user from saving to RPA Central....
Guest about 3 years ago in  0

Nintex RPA Central Notification for Scheduled Jobs

If a Botflow is halted or queued and couldn't run as scheduled, an email notification should be sent to the administrator or botflow owner.
Guest over 1 year ago in  1

Add sqlite db support

There is no support for sqlite at the moment, yet it is a logical choice to use as a light weight db for many automations. The only way to interact with sqlite at the moment is to use additional code (like Python) in your RPA script to read/write ...
Guest about 1 year ago in  0

Log Who Manually Started a Published Bot

Currently, the botflow instance details do not contain the Nintex user that manually triggered a botflow to run. This detail is important for audit logging capabilities.
Guest almost 3 years ago in  0

Allow Participant Role to run BotFlow without RPA Central

Allow the Participant Role to launch and run a BotFlow directly from Nintex Bot without initiating through RPA Central. Currently when a Participant launches a BotFlow from RPA Central and needs to manually ingest a data file they have to pause th...
Guest almost 3 years ago in  0

Store Botflow Credentials in RPA Central

Please consider adding credential storage to RPA Central. Ideally, credentials could be stored securely in RPA Central, then referenced within botflows. This would improve the maintainability of scripts that comply with password expiration securit...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

RPA Central processing days

I would like RPA Central to have scheduling option for last day of the month, last week day of the month, first day of the month, first week day of the month. Also another option that would be nice along with the above is to have two drop down men...
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Under Review

Allow 'Save' action to work for Published Bots

An effective bot has the ability to learn and save information in variables and lists. With Published bots the 'Save' action and 'Close me' (with save) action do not function. I prime example of this would be a script that accesses a web portal an...
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Under Review